Your Merit Aid Checklist


Congrats - your Free Chasing Merit Checklist is below!

What is Merit Aid, and Why Does It Matter?

Merit aid is a type of scholarship or grant awarded by colleges and universities to students who excel academically, athletically, artistically, or in extracurricular activities. Unlike needs-based aid, merit aid is given regardless of your family’s income or financial situation. This makes it a crucial resource for middle to high-income families who often don’t qualify for traditional financial aid.

For families who are too "wealthy" to receive needs-based aid but still find the rising cost of college daunting, pursuing merit aid can make a significant difference. Securing these scholarships can help ease the financial burden and make paying for your child's education more affordable—allowing you to invest in their future without sacrificing your own financial well-being.

We hope this checklist empowers you to take the right steps toward maximizing merit aid opportunities for your family. Happy planning, and good luck on your college journey!

Download the checklist here:

  Save Thousands on College - The Merit Chase Checklist